miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

Social media and the end of gender?

Hello Bloggers! Today I’m gonna talk about “Social media and the end of gender” offered by Johanna Blakley 

The main ideas of this conference talk about how social media gonna help free us from some of the absurd assumptions that we have as a society about gender, also gonna help us dismantle sum up the silly and demeaning stereotypes that we see in the media and advertising about gender.

One of the things that caught my attention and with which I totally agree is that media generally provides a very distorted mirror our lives. We live our lives trying to fit into unrealistic and capitalists beauty canons. 

Another important point in the conference is that most media companies: television, radio, publishing, games, etc.; use region segmentation methods in order to understand their audiences. Media companies believe that if you fall within a certain demographic category you are predictable in certain ways. Most of our popular culture is actually based on these presumptions about our demographics.

Finally, Johanna tells us about that women are really driving the social media revolution. Women actually outnumber men in their use of social networking technologies.

I must say that I agree on many of the points that are played in the chat. The influence of social media in our culture and the empowerment of women are issues that are in vogue and should be treated and studied properly. Like Johanna says “Entertainment and play have a huge impact on people’s lives for instance on the political beliefs and on their health”

Bye Bloggers See you in my next post!

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