miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014


I remember the first time I use Facebook I was about thirteen or fourteen years old and it was thanks to a cousin who knew of its existence. The reason why I join this social network was for games and quiz. At first not many people had Facebook, in fact I was the first of my friends to have and I stop occupy for a while until it became popular and everyone started to get an account.
What I like about Facebook is that you can store and to reach valuable memories like photos with family and friends, or simple phrases that reflect your emotional state at a certain time of your life. When I'm at home bored sometimes I go into Facebook and start reviewing old conversations I had with my friends and it's really funny, I can`t stop
Today, for university, I often use Facebook to keep in touch with my classmates and be aware of what I have to do every day. Facebook is more than a social network, is a tool that makes our lives easier and more fun, BUT we must take care because it can consume you if you spend much time in it. Often happens to me that I forgot my homework to be on
Facebook. In fact, when I study I turn off the computer or else I cannot concentrate, is horrible!
In conclusion, facebook is a good thing if you use it properly :)

2 comentarios:

  1. I started for the games and quiz too! It's really funny to read the old things.

  2. me too!! a spend a lot of time plaing in facebook
